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Shoot in De Pan

At the end of December 2018 I went out with a fellow photographer who wanted to know more about the manual mode of his camera.

My colleague usually shoots in automatic mode. That's fine in itself, the camera chooses the best average values in order to take the best possible photo. The disadvantage of this automatic setting is that the camera measures the light with the command to give the photo the best possible chance of success and thus opts for the best average values. But what if you want a photo that has to be a bit darker, or lighter, or you have to shoot against the light? Then it's nice if you can put the camera in semi-automatic or manual mode and take the photo the way you want it.

We have therefore talked about an important part in photography, namely the aperture. What can you control with it and what are the consequences of adjusting the aperture? My colleague went out with this new info after this afternoon to see if he can take better and more beautiful pictures with it.

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