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Photographing in De Stippelberg forest

A beautiful large forest in North Brabant, The Netherlands

In the years, I have visited De Stippelberg forest near De Rips in North Brabant (south of The Netherlands ) many times. A beautiful large and very diverse forest.

I am used to go into the forest from the same starting point everytime (and not where most hikers start) to take pictures. I am there every season, it is always looking different and after all it is 15 minutes driving from my home.

And then suddenly on a Friday evening I get the feeling that I have to approach this forest from another side. So let's go and enter the forest from the north side. Immediately I notice a beautiful, long avenue with long rows of beech trees on either side, finally my favorite trees. This is clear, this is going to be a party, a wonderful temperature, beautiful light and no walkers to be seen.

After some time I see a small stream and imagine myself in a fairy tale. In amazement I shoot 300 photos. Once I get home I only get more enthusiastic when watching the catch. I have to go back soon because I have only been able to record a little bit;)

As you may already know, I like to make an autumn version of forests;) See some examples below.


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