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Evening and morning shoot in the Vijlenerbos

Prachtig Vijlenerbos bij het vroege licht

On Friday, August 30, I left in time to do a photo shoot in the Vijlenerbos near Vijlen in South Limburg. The plan was to photograph the beautiful forest in evening and morning light.

Because driving up and down is just a bit too much for me, I decided to spend the night in a place near the forest. In the late afternoon sun, which is still too harsh, I decided to explore to get back there later in the evening. So I found some beautiful places (Rugweg and Epenerbaan). Back to Files to have a nice meal at "the Cuban". And then around 6.30 pm to the locations. A nice shoot done in that beautiful light. On the way back to Schin op Geul where I spend the night at a small hotel with very nice owners, the sky turned red / purple. On the Rijksweg near Abbey Sint-Benedictusberg I can take a nice photo of a hill with some trees in the sunset sky. A view that I observe every time I come back from a walk in South Limburg. Still enjoying a beer from the house, I go to sleep, already quite satisfied with the catch.

Then at 5:00 am to be back in the forest on time. On the Rijksweg I see beautiful fog banks on the fields. I can also record that. Once in the forest on the Epenerbaan I am completely happy. The beautiful light, nobody at all in the forest except for a single early walker with dog and a runner, I take a whole series of photos of beautiful trails in beautiful light. I see a fox, a deer, it's all there. Then suddenly it is already 9:00 am and I notice that the light is getting too hard. With a wonderful, tedious feeling I drive home again to take a look at what I have caught :)


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